Husqvarna 236 vs stihl 180 Stihl ms180 je malo jaca testera od husqvarna 236, stihl je 2kS a husqvarna je 1. MS 180 večinom je koriste ljudi koji rade po krovu i za mala. Husqvarna 240 (same as 236) serviced and other.

So the husky is £165 vs £220 for the Stihl. The Stihl is by all accounts a much better saw, but about 3X the cost, so it does not meet my definition of a disposable tool. I have 180, 026, 036, 361, 045 and most recently a Husky 372. I picked up a stihl MS180 with a 16" blade for occasional use. Ездил сегодня в ОБИ и увидел такую штуку. Would the husqy 236 or Stihl 171 be reasonable for that?
As to kit all i can say is that with my family of saws:- STIHL Ms 180,Echo 420ES. HUSQVARNA 236 Chainsaw 38cc X-Torq Petrol 35cm.

Me cogí un Stihl ms 180,y es una pasada los cojones que tiene. Riegler René nevű felhasználó válasza: A 236-os husival sok a gond. Időpont 2016-10-24 06:56, Privát üzenet.
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