Igre valet parking Move around the area and take over customers cars, which you have to. It is one of our best Driving games! We have also selected the best free games. Igra 3D PARKIRANJE na Larinoj igraonici. Održite svoje mušterije sretnima tako da im parkirate auto i vratite ga bez ijedne ogrebotine. The goal of the game is to park as many cars as you possibly can before the timer runs out! Parkiraj aute na označena mjesta.
You must collect the cars as they are dropped off by their owners and take note of the number of the bay they must be. V želji po dodatnem zaslužku se zaposliš v priljubleni restavraciji kjer moraš gostom parkirati avtomobile in jih pozneje pripeljati do izhoda. Play Free Online Car Games at Games2win. Ranked among top gaming sites across the world. Učinite dobro djelo za ljude koji se ne snalaze dobro u parkiranju auta te pritom zaradite novac. Opis: Opravljajte službo parkiranja vozil. IGRE, KI VAM BODO MORDA VŠEČ: School Bus.
Your task is to park customers cars. D game in which you work as an employee of the hotel.

Najveća baza igara na ovim prostorima! As the only valet attendant at work today, you have a lot to keep track of. As a car pulls up, the driver tells you which space to park in. Help the guest to pull their cars into the parking lot. Biti radnik koji je zadužen za parking je prava umetnost pogotovo ukoliko više vozila čeka na vas kako bi ih odvezli do zadatkog parking mesta. Uzmi kontrolu bez oštećenja sportske strojeva koji imaju visoku cijenu.
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