Peugeot 206 1.4 hdi specifications HDi (68 Hp) Edit data of this car. Doors, 5 Edit data of this car. HDi automobile specifications & information.
Fuel efficiency and fuel economy (consumption). The Engine is1398 ccm (84,88 cubic inches) and is situated in the Front of the vehicle. HDi 70 look specs, specifications, laptimes, acceleration times, pictures, photos, engine data, top speed. HDi engine when it is running correctly and has been serviced. HDI, Manual, 2002 - 2005, 70 Hp,5 doors technical specifications and CO2 emission.
HDi eco - Technical Specifications. The entry-level 206 diesel has come a long way from the 1. HDI came with 68 hp in tap and offered a decent drive around the city. HDI poor fuel ecomomy - scole01234. Hi, I have just purchased a 206 1. New Original Specification Unit. Whilst utmost care is taken with compatibility, variations in parts do occur and we cannot take responsibility for parts ordered. Peugeot 206 Van Engines Specifications.
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