subota, 8. travnja 2017.

Rimac concept one vs porsche 918

Rimac concept one vs porsche 918 Check out: "We had to pay CASH for this car ! Industry News, Reviews, Projects, Videos, DIY Guides, Art, Stories and. Dugo najavljivani sukob najboljih od najboljih u trci ubrzanja je konačno tu.

Rimac concept one vs porsche 918
V-8 gasoline engine capable of producing. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is the fastest of them all? The answer is in a video uploaded to YouTube on October 2, 2016.
Rimac concept one vs porsche 918
Jedan od priželjkivanih duela, u kome su učestvovala dva vrhunska supersportska automobila - jedan sa hibridnim i drugi sa čisto električnim. For the battle was way deeper than that. Tag Link: #rimac #one #concept #porsche 918.

Een elektrische hypercar tegen een hybride hypercar in een 400 meter dragrace. Porsche 911 GT3 i sa ručnim menjačem. Rimac Concept One is a fully electric vehicle. However, its creators took a slightly. When we drove the Rimac Automobili Concept One last month we were impressed with its amazing turn of speed. Trebamo li što komentirati i komplicirati? Z_63RiXlt8UPodijelite video sa prijate. Supercar and Luxury Car News, Videos and Reviews.

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting. Izvor: Nezavisne Novine Auto Pregledano: 2 Postavljeno prije 9 h 04. Rimac took five years to create the production-ready Concept_One, following. Everything is either carbon fiber, Alcantara, or aluminum, including the. Небольшая хорватская компания Rimac Automobili из Загреба смогла создать настоящего. PORSCHE 918 SPYDER คุณล่ะคิดว่าใครจะเข้าเส้นชัยก่อนกัน?

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